Senin, 03 September 2018

ARROUND - Decentralized Advertising Solution in Augmented Reality

Bitcoin-620x372 Yohoho ... a few months ago the crypto market was in a tense situation which made all invoicing because of panic about the decline in the prices of bitcoin and altcoin. but now Aowizz will tell you to be a promising project, I personally believe that this project will go to the moon. Yaps .. the name is Arround ,  why do I say Arround is very promising? Because this Project has a strong and highly qualified team, who uses me, I can make projects to the level in the shortest possible time and I want them to succeed. The team includes a variety of activities with annual experience.With the main participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find addresses to their personal accounts on social networks. ARR (Arround) is the basic unit in the ARROUND platform, and all commercial activities, even though they might make money, will be done in the ARR sign. ARROUND is a decentralized augmented reality (AR) platform. ARROUND uses blockchain and augmented reality to build an ecosystem consisting of four integrated elements: a demanding universal advertising network, an enlarged market, social platforms, and next generation AR maps that will generate the backbone for AR projects around the world.ARROUND offers a social platform that can be used fully for iOS and Android, which will also be marketed to smartglasses consumers. ARROUND offers a new and exciting way for advertisers, brands and organizations to find them in a fun way and tell them. AR developers have several opportunities to recognize consumers and provide copyright holders and the AR Store provides a staging area to test new products and services. and next generation AR maps that will generate the backbone for AR projects around the world. ARROUND offers a social platform that can be used fully for iOS and Android, which will also be marketed to smartglasses consumers.ARROUND offers a new and exciting way for advertisers, brands and organizations to find them in a fun way and tell them. AR developers have several opportunities to recognize consumers and provide copyright holders and the AR Store provides a staging area to test new products and services. and next generation AR maps that will generate the backbone for AR projects around the world. ARROUND offers a social platform that can be used fully for iOS and Android, which will also be marketed to smartglasses consumers. ARROUND offers a new and exciting way for advertisers, brands and organizations to find them in a fun way and tell them.AR developers have several opportunities to recognize consumers and provide copyright holders and the AR Store provides a staging area to test new products and services. ARROUND offers a new and exciting way for advertisers, brands and organizations to find them in a fun way and tell them. AR developers have several opportunities to recognize consumers and provide copyright holders and the AR Store provides a staging area to test new products and services. ARROUND offers a new and exciting way for advertisers, brands and organizations to find them in a fun way and tell them.AR developers have several opportunities to recognize consumers and provide copyright holders and the AR Store provides a staging area to test new products and services. Following is Arround's team profile: The Arround team has been chosen for the foundations of a culture of innovation, trust, transparency, and simplicity in our core corporate values ​​and embedded in everything we do. Our organizational structure is flat to ensure fast execution in fast moving spaces. Each member has led a multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and adaptive team to achieve technological innovation in a difficult market. In addition to having a talented and trusted Team, Arround also has a very powerful and experienced Advisor. this is what makes this project very promising. And here is Arround's advisory profile The team and advisor behind the Arround project can be considered as an advantage for the project. This team is relatively large compared to other projects and ICOs and consists of experienced and skilled people. There are photos and LinkedIn accounts provided next to members to prove that they are real people, because many suspicious projects refuse to show off their members. Apart from developers, who maintain the technical side of the project and develop the only platform, there are people who are responsible for maintaining contact with the community and potential investors, while all aspects of advertising and marketing strategies are also in good hands. The following is information from several key members. The rest, you can see more details on their official website: Just info, this project gets a 4.6 rating from icobench, as we know icobench is the most trusted web rating among other web ratings. For more details, please visit the following link that points to icobench: Below are details that may be useful for you: 1 Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail. to invest please read the Whitepaper first at: do not miss. because investors have started arriving. Ok, for more detailed information please visit the official website: RATING ARROUND MENURUT WEB RATING 1 For more information, please click on the following link:


Thank you, friend, for reading the article I wrote, if you have more and more want, then I really ask for it. Because this is a very promising project with interesting ideas and also this project has a professional and reliable team. do not miss. Posted by:
My  Bitcointalk username:   yeeyeyaya
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1825290 
Address My ETH:    0x4F48EDB9e057c115276945450C18e298C0E33186

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018

KUBITX - eine der fortschrittlichsten und robustesten Cryptocurrency-Handelsplattformen


KuBitX ist eine der fortschrittlichsten und robustesten Cryptocurrency-Handelsplattformen, die entworfen wurde, um die Idee von Simplicity und Accessibility aufzunehmen, Menschen aus allen Bereichen des Lebens zu befähigen und zu erziehen, die technologische Revolution von Blockchain zu umarmen und in Kryptowährungen zu investieren. Im KuBitX-Ökosystem sind die KuBitX Trade-Engines, die sicheren KuBitX-Portemonnaies und ein erweitertes Admin-Dashboard zur Regulierung der Aktivitäten innerhalb der Trade Exchange enthalten. Durch die Ausrichtung auf die unerschlossenen, demografischen Potenziale mit hohem Potenzial für ihre Aufnahme in den Cryptocurrency-Markt ist es ihr Ziel, einer der vielfältigsten Kryptowährungsmarktplätze für Käufer und Verkäufer zu werden. kubitex will dies erreichen, indem er eine robuste Handelsmaschine entwickelt,  

Wie unterscheidet sich kubitx von anderen Börsen?

  1.  Fiat-Einzahlung und -Entnahme - Obwohl sich Kryptowährungen als Mittel des Tauschs und der Wertaufbewahrung herausbilden, haben Fiat-Währungen immer noch einen großen Anteil an der Dominanz als Tauschmittel. So wird KuBitX mit erweiterten Partnerschaften mit Zahlungsdienstleistern den Nutzern bei Ein- und Auszahlungen helfen. 
  2.  Customer Suppor t - KuBitX wird gebaut, um die Community und die Benutzer in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Daher möchte kubitx 24-Stunden-Online-Kundenbetreuung bieten, um den Nutzern konsequent zur Seite zu stehen. Ein Kundensupport-Hub, der mithilfe des Global Channel-Teams eingerichtet wird, um eine maßgeschneiderte Kundenbindung zu unterstützen. KuBitX plant zudem einen beträchtlichen Teil seiner Mittelzuweisung zur Stärkung der Kundenbetreuung 
  3.  Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeiten - Die oben genannten Austauschvorgänge haben eine durchschnittliche Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit von 1,4 Millionen Transaktionen pro Sekunde. KuBitX wird mit einer Transaktionsgeschwindigkeit von 12 Millionen (Millionen) pro Sekunde beginnen, mit dem Ziel, auf noch höhere Transaktionen pro Sekunde zu aktualisieren. Dies würde durch die Verwendung von Golang mit dem fortschrittlichen architektonischen Design erreicht werden 
  4.   Einfache Bedienung - Nicht nur kubitx hart arbeiten , um eine benutzerfreundliche Web - Schnittstelle für kubitx Benutzer, Plattform kubitx Ausbildung zu entwickeln , wird mit dem Gesamtrahmen des Austausches und der Funktionalität eine nahtlose Integration des Benutzers bieten. Das Training besteht aus Anfänger-, Fortgeschrittenen- und Profi-Levels, damit ein großer Teil der Benutzer teilnehmen kann 
 Das KuBitX-Ecosystem wird effektiv eine der umfassendsten und konformen Lösungen für Händler sein und mit den besten Experten für Handelsmotoren zusammenarbeiten, die eine breite Branchenerfahrung haben. Die kubitx-Plattform wird die Funktionsweise der Börsen neu definieren und indem sie mehr Trader über verschiedene Produktangebote anzieht, wird kubitx den Pool von Teilnehmern erweitern, indem sie eine größere Marktliquidität fördert und dadurch zu seinem Gesamtwachstum beiträgt 

Hier sind einige Funktionen der Kubitx-Plattform

  •  HOHE SKALIERBARKEIT - Die Kubitx-Plattform ist hochskalierbar und bereit, neue Funktionen zu akzeptieren, um die Handelserfahrung der Benutzer zu verbessern. 
  •  NIEDRIGE GEBÜHREN - Die Kubitx-Plattform bringt wettbewerbsfähige Pauschalhandelsgebühren mit sich, die durch die Verwendung von KBX-Tokens sogar günstiger und bequemer werden 
  •  MINIMIERTES RISIKO - Multi-Signature- Wallet- und Cold-Storage-Strategie minimiert das Risiko von Händlergeldern. kubitx hat verschiedene Strategien zur Absicherung der auf der Kubitx-Plattform gehandelten Fonds kombiniert 
  •  SECURE - kubitx hat ein umfangreiches Benchmarking mit den aktuellen Plattformen durchgeführt, was uns erlaubt, einige Schritte voraus zu gehen, und das Sicherheitsteam kommt von Top-Organisationen 
  •  ÖKOSYSTEM - Kubitx glaubt fest daran, dass traditionelle Finanzsysteme, die stark an Peer-to-Peer-Zahlungssysteme glauben, teilweise durch fortwährend gebrochenes Vertrauen, Zensur und wachsende Aufklärung der Bevölkerung ersetzt werden 
Das KuBitX-Team besteht aus einem äußerst talentierten und erfahrenen Team von Fachleuten mit beträchtlicher Berufserfahrung von Fortune 500-Unternehmen und "Big Four" -Beratungsunternehmen, die "Inklusion" und "Adoption" als die wichtigsten Wachstumspfeiler für jeden Cryptocurrency-Markt identifiziert haben. Als Ergebnis vieler Brainstorming- und Ideensitzungen konnte das Team einzigartige Ideen wie ein eingebautes Feature für Finanzdienstleistungen entwickeln, das den Vorgang der Münzauflistung in Bezug auf Zeit und Kosten vereinfacht.


Ticker: KBX 
Token Typ: ERC20 (Ethereum) 
Dezimal: 18 
Kategorie / Algorithmus: PoS 
Gesamtbestand: 500.000.000 
Währungen: ETH 
Soft Cap: 10.000 ETH- 
Hard Cap: 25.000 ETH 
TGE Details 
Seed Round: Andauernd. Endet am 16. Juli 2018. 
Pre-Public Runde: 16. Juli - 31. August 2018 
Öffentliche Runde: TBC 


Nun, für Investoren, vergessen Sie nicht, Ihr Geld in dieses Projekt zu investieren, verpassen Sie es nicht. weil Investoren angekommen sind. Ok, für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte die offizielle Website: Freund, ich möchte sagen, dass dies wirklich ein neues und ungewöhnliches Projekt ist. Sie können auch auf dieses Projekt achten und es genauer untersuchen. Lesen Sie das Whitepaper unter:
Danke, Freunde, dass Sie diesen Artikel gelesen haben. Ich habe geschrieben, wenn Sie mehr Geld haben und investieren möchten, dann empfehle ich dieses Projekt. denn das ist ein vielversprechendes Projekt mit einer interessanten Idee und auch dieses Projekt hat ein professionelles und zuverlässiges Team. nicht verpassen.

Für weitere Informationen klicken Sie bitte auf den folgenden Link: 
★  Web  ★  Whitepaper  ★  Twitter  ★  Facebook  ★  Medium  ★  Telegramm  ★  Reddit  ★ ANN ★
Posted By:
My Bitcointalk username: azzag0000
My ETH Adress: 0x6FfF366a2B8b52ddC137f8A6a7B5b89D07aD345D

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

INGOT COIN - Bridging Markets

The first time I heard about Bitcoin was in 2010, where the price of Bitcoin was still around 10 cents (US Dollar). At that time, I have not invested. Then I reread about cryptocurrency in 2015, when the price of Bitcoin had reached around 200 US dollars. Again I did not invest. At that time, it was very difficult to find a guide about cryptocurrency. None of my friends have or understand how Blockchain or cryptocurrency works. I decided to write this guide to help you start investing in the blockchain world.
Here I will introduce you to a platform that will help you who wants to invest in cryptocurrency, INGOT Coin. There are many people who don't know how to start investing in cryptocurrency, or just don't have the time and energy to do it. INGOT Coin will handle all of these needs for those of you who want to invest.
By utilizing Blockchain technology, INGOT Coin certainly wants to give full trust to users of this platform. Because with Blockchain technology, all transactions and data storage are secure because they are replicated across the blockchain network so that to change one data the hacker must also change the same data across all other user's computers at the same time. This is very unlikely to be done. Blockchain is like a big book where all transactions are transparent and can be checked by everyone so as to ensure credibility.
Of course for investors please immediately invest your money into the project that I will discuss this. do not regret later if you do not invest your money duit.karena I believe this project is very promising. let's discuss. I'm sure some of you guys and want to really want to know details about this amazing project. Well, this is a promising project with an interesting creative idea and can change the future of cryptocurrencuy.


INGOT coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on ERC20 technology. INGOT Coin is the first integrated blockchain-based wallet with Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Accelerator; all rolled into a holistic ecosystem that rewards token holders and cryptocurrency market participants to use it and contribute to it, in addition to giving them the opportunity to invest in various currency lists, fiat currencies, stocks, and other finances. assets and instruments.
IC Digital Bank will provide 7/24 automatic payment processing with a high-end web-based custodian service that manages IC Brokerage and IC Exchange tasks together with everyday online services such as electronic payments, checking accounts and savings accounts handled by debit cards. IC Digital Bank will provide fund management for all interested stakeholders.
IC Crypto Certifier will empower market participants, through industry-leading certification in the crypto market. Expert webinars, seminars, and blogs will have a quick and direct impact on awareness raising and knowledge.
IC ICO Accelerator is a boutique specializing in blockchain projects to issue their ICOs, this boutique offers professional services to support the creation of ICOs in collaboration with special lawyers, law firms and marketing companies, all the way to register a successful ICO on the exchange.
The first all-inclusive IC ecosystem is a pioneer in connecting the crypto world with the traditional world today. The IC ecosystem includes: IC Wallet, IC Exchange, IC Broker, Digital Bank IC, Crypto IC Certification and ICO Accelerator IC all under one umbrella connected by IC Community.
The Wallet IC will serve as a barrier for all crypto holders in our ecosystem. The wallet will ensure a multi-sig and cold storage system to create a safe environment for all stakeholders.
IC Exchange is a single platform that offers two places, our ICO platform and full inclusive exchange. Exchange will register the major coins and the newly issued ICO. In addition, the Exchange will enable trading of current financial instruments: ETF, futures, commodities and fiat facilitated by Brokers, Banks, and Ecosystem Wallets.
IC Brokerage creates a center of liquidity, efficient market prices and access to all financial products, ranging from fiat currencies to international equities, and from commodities (Agriculture, metals and energy) to ETFs.

The INGOT Coin team has been selected for the foundations of a culture of innovation, trust, transparency, and simplicity in our core corporate values ​​and embedded in everything we do. Our organizational structure is flat to ensure fast execution in fast moving spaces. Each member has led multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and adaptive teams to achieve technological innovation in tough markets.
The team behind the INGOT Coin project can be considered an advantage for the project. The team is relatively large compared to other projects and ICOs and consists of experienced and skilled people. There are photos and LinkedIn accounts provided next to members to prove that they are real people, because many suspicious projects refuse to show off their members. Apart from developers, who maintain the technical side of the project and develop the only platform, there are people who are responsible for maintaining contact with the community and potential investors, while all aspects of advertising and marketing strategies are also in good hands. The following is information from some key members. The rest, you can see more details on their official website:



Well, for investors, don't forget to invest your money in this project, don't miss it. because investors are starting to arrive. Ok, for more details please visit the official website:
Friend, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail. read the Whitepaper at:
for more info please click the link below:

★  Website  ★  ANN  ★  Whitepaper  ★  Twitter  ★  Facebook  ★  Telegram  ★  Youtube  ★

Posted By:

My Bitcointalk username:  yeeyeyaya
My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1825290
My ETH Adress:  0x4F48EDB9e057c115276945450C18e298C0E33186

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018


Pertama kali saya mendengar tentang Bitcoin adalah pada tahun 2010, di mana harga Bitcoin masih sekitar 10 sen (Dolar AS). Pada saat itu, saya belum berinvestasi. Kemudian saya membaca kembali tentang cryptocurrency pada tahun 2015, ketika harga Bitcoin telah mencapai sekitar 200 Dolar AS. Sekali lagi saya tidak berinvestasi. Pada saat itu, sangat sulit untuk menemukan panduan tentang cryptocurrency. Tidak ada teman saya yang mengerti cara kerja Blockchain atau cryptocurrency. Saya memutuskan untuk menulis panduan ini untuk membantu Anda mulai berinvestasi di dunia blockchain.
Di sini saya akan memperkenalkan kepada Anda sebuah platform yang akan membantu Anda untuk yang ingin berinvestasi dalam cryptocurrency, yaitu Ethereum Limited. Ada banyak orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana memulai berinvestasi di cryptocurrency, atau hanya tidak punya waktu dan tenaga untuk melakukannya. Ethereum Limited akan menangani semua kebutuhan ini bagi Anda yang ingin berinvestasi.
Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Blockchain, Ethereum Limited tentunya ingin memberikan kepercayaan penuh kepada pengguna platform ini. Karena dengan teknologi Blockchain, semua transaksi dan penyimpanan data aman karena mereka direplikasi di seluruh jaringan blockchain sehingga untuk mengubah satu data, peretas juga harus mengubah data yang sama di semua komputer pengguna lain pada saat yang bersamaan. Ini sangat tidak mungkin dilakukan. Blockchain adalah seperti buku besar di mana semua transaksi transparan dan dapat diperiksa oleh semua orang untuk memastikan kredibilitas.
Tentu saja untuk investor harap segera menginvestasikan uang Anda ke dalam proyek yang akan saya bahas ini. jangan menyesal nantinya jika Anda tidak menginvestasikan uang Anda duit.karena saya yakin proyek ini sangat menjanjikan. mari kita bahas. Saya yakin beberapa dari kalian dan ingin benar-benar ingin tahu detail tentang proyek luar biasa ini. Nah, ini adalah proyek yang menjanjikan dengan ide kreatif yang menarik dan dapat mengubah masa depan cryptocurrencuy. 
Daripada ingin tahu tentang proyek yang sangat menguntungkan, baca artikel yang saya tulis di bawah ini: 
penciptaan Ethereum Limited Ecosystem, orang-orang yang membutuhkan kontrak cerdas akan berbondong-bondong ke jaringan Ethereum - membuatnya lebih sukses. Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah, perputaran yang lebih cepat, otomatisasi, dan kekekalan hanyalah sebagian dari manfaat yang kami tawarkan.



Kami akan menerima Ethlimited, Ethereum, dan Bitcoin sebagai pembayaran untuk menggunakan platform kami. Kami mungkin menambahkan beberapa cryptocurrency di masa depan.
Biaya Minimal

Menggunakan templat kontrak dan platform cerdas kami tidak akan merugikan anggaran Anda. Akan biaya kurang dari secangkir kopi.

Tidak dapat menemukan templat kontrak cerdas yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda? Butuh template khusus, tetapi tidak dapat melakukannya sendiri? Pekerjakan pengguna platform lain melalui Marketplace kami.
Kemudahan penggunaan

Platform pembuatan kontrak cerdas kami ramah-pengguna. Ribuan template siap pakai untuk dipilih akan tersedia untuk kustomisasi.
Tim Ethereum Limited telah dipilih untuk dasar-dasar budaya inovasi, kepercayaan, transparansi, dan kesederhanaan dalam nilai-nilai perusahaan inti kami dan tertanam dalam semua yang kami lakukan. 
Proyek ini memiliki tim yang kuat dan berkualifikasi tinggi, yang menurut saya mampu membawa proyek ke tingkat tertinggi dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin dan saya berharap mereka berhasil. Tim ini mencakup spesialis utama dari berbagai industri dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun. Dengan peserta utama yang dapat Anda lihat di situs web resmi, di sana Anda juga akan menemukan tautan ke akun pribadi mereka di jejaring sosial.
Tim di belakang proyek Ethereum Limited dapat dianggap sebagai keuntungan untuk proyek tersebut. Tim ini relatif besar dibandingkan dengan proyek lain dan ICO dan terdiri dari orang-orang yang berpengalaman dan terampil. Ada foto dan akun-akun LinkedIn yang disediakan bersama anggota untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah orang sungguhan, karena banyak proyek yang mencurigakan menolak memamerkan anggota mereka. Terlepas dari pengembang, yang menjaga sisi teknis proyek dan mengembangkan satu-satunya platform, ada orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk mempertahankan kontak dengan komunitas dan calon investor, sementara semua sisi strategi iklan dan pemasaran juga berada di tangan yang baik. Berikut ini adalah informasi dari beberapa anggota kunci. Selebihnya, Anda dapat melihat detail selengkapnya di situs web resmi mereka:


Ya untuk para investor jangan lupa untuk menginvestasikan uang Anda ke proyek ini, jangan sampai ketinggalan. karena investor mulai berdatangan. Ok, untuk lebih jelasnya kunjungi situs web resmi:
Teman, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa ini benar-benar proyek baru dan tidak biasa. Anda juga dapat memperhatikan proyek ini, dan mempelajarinya lebih detail. baca Whitepaper-nya di:
Terima kasih teman-teman telah membaca artikel ini, saya menulis, jika Anda memiliki lebih banyak uang dan Anda ingin berinvestasi, maka saya sangat merekomendasikan proyek ini. karena ini adalah proyek yang sangat menjanjikan dengan ide-ide menarik dan juga proyek ini memiliki tim yang profesional dan dapat diandalkan. jangan lewatkan.

Posted By:

My Bitcointalk username:  yeeyeyaya
My ETH Adress:  0x4F48EDB9e057c115276945450C18e298C0E33186

Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Cryptassist - Knowledge is Power

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about crypto coins and who love a good project. In this new publication I want to submit a Cryptassist project. I'm sure you've covered a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... but blockchain Cryptassist is the coolest, and for more details we'll cover the following topics:

One of the main problems in the cryptosphere is that over time, cryptocurrency has become more and more difficult for novices and even experts to understand and is not yet widely usable as a currency on a daily basis. Cryptassist solves the problem of complexity by supplying all of the necessary resources in one easy to access location. Our mission is to supply everyone with access to the crypto-world through an array of 25 essential tools and features. The Cryptassist application will include features such as a multi-coin block explorer, news and trading alerts, a over-the-counter marketplace to auction coins, a fully licensed exchange, a debit card, a crowdfunding platform, ChatPay, Philanthropy Innovation to donate crypto and fiat to non-profit organizations, a map including places to spend your coins, a webshop, a platform to link businesses and freelancers, an AR game and many more. 

The Cryptassist team has been selected for the foundations of a culture of innovation, trust, transparency, and simplicity in our core corporate values and embedded in everything we do. Our organizational structure is flat to ensure quick execution in fast moving space. Each member has led multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and adaptive teams to achieve technological innovation in tough markets.

Of course for investors to immediately invest your money into the project that I will discuss this. do not be sorry if you do not invest your money duit.karena I believe the results of this very promising. let's discuss. I want some of you guys and want to really want the detail detail of this project. Well, this is a project that promises to be creative and can change the future of cryptocurrencuy.

The ultimate set of crypto-related tools all in one easy to use application.
The Cryptassist mission is to supply everyone with access to the world of crypto-assets through an array of essential tools, with everything from trading and news alerts, to an OTC exchange and even a debit card. No platform exists with so many easy to use crypto-related features.
"We strive to simplify every aspect of crypto trading and research so that everyone from the average holder to the experienced day trader has the same data and advanced resources to make an informed trading decision.”
The problem of complexity in the crypto market has reached an apex. As of June of 2018 well over 1600 cryptocurrencies and blockchain related projects have been conceived, not to mention the 100’s that failed. According to there are been 471 ICOs launched to date in 2018 alone. As the market continues to grow, so does the problem of accessing all of the resources that are required to even comprehend this complex environment. Blockchain explorers are a great example. Each new coin most likely requires its own blockchain explorer.
Cryptassist solves the problem of complexity by supplying all of the necessary resources in one easy to access location.
For example, the Multi-Coin Block Explorer allows the user to enter one of many coins’ public addresses into one search bar instead of having to search for separate block explorers for each coin. But that’s just one of the many features Cryptassist offers.
Whether you are in need of trading and arbitrage alerts, investigating upcoming ICOs, looking for crypto related talent, comparing trading pairs, needing news at the moment it is published, or maybe you would just like to relax with an augmented reality game of CryptoGo, Cryptassist is your one-stop hub for anything crypto related. Even an OTC exchange is included, as well as a fully licensed spot exchange with discounted fees for CTA holders.
The debit card allows the user to spend the top 50 Cryptocurrencies anywhere in the world where Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Nowhere else will you find so many essential features ob one easy to use platform.
Many of the services offered by on the Cryptassist app will be free to use and other features such as Trading Alerts, Cryptstarter, and the OTC Exchange, will be pay-per-use features at a very reasonable cost.
Cryptassist introduces its innovative deflation model. The coins that are spent on the pay-per-use features of the app will then be burned. This continuously reduces the supply, therefore combating price resistance in the marketplace. Less supply encourages the value of the remaining coins.
Cryptassist will accept contributions in both fiat - by Bank Wire or PayPal, and the top 100* cryptocurrencies as listed on CoinMarketCap at 12am CST on the 28 June 2018. Users will also be able to submit suggestions for other crypto currencies to:
Features of the Cryptassist Platform will include:
  1. Debit Card - allows the user to refill their card with any of the top 50 cryptocurrencies and use anywhere that accepts Visa or MasterCard.
  1. CryptoGo - a free augmented reality app where users can search, locate and receive tangible rewards – crypto.
  1. Cryptstarter - an innovative cryptocurrency crowdfunding feature which will allow users to raise funds for creative projects.
  1. Exchange - a fully licensed spot exchange offering full cryptocurrency trading with reduced fees for CTA trades.
  1. Multi-Coin Block Explorer - allowing users to eliminate the use of multiple blockchain explorers to search the transaction histories of multiple coins.
  1. ChatPay - a social messaging and online payment system operating on a decentralized network.
  1. Philanthropy Innovation - allowing users to donate to nonprofit organizations in either fiat or the top 50 cryptocurrencies. Donations can be tracked in real-time and post the impact of their donations to their linked social media accounts.
  1. Arbitrage Opportunities Alerts – users can receive alerts when selected coins display certain prices on certain exchanges and arbitrage opportunities present themselves.
  1. ICO Assistant - to assist project founders plan their project and launch an ICO to raise capital.
  1. Where To Spend Crypto – a database and map displaying where crypto can be spent. Users can submit suggestions for inclusion of crypto-friendly businesses.
  1. Cryptassist Webshop – Find thousands of products at very reasonable prices. You can make purchases with your top 50 cryptocurrencies and have them shipped to your doorstep.
  1. Cryptassist Freelancer - linking businesses to freelance talent for collaboration on crypto related projects.
  1. News Updates – personalized real-time crypto related news alerts from leading sources.
  1. OTC Trading Platform - users can list and search for low volume cryptocurrencies which can then be sold Over-The-Counter (OTC). Cryptassist will function as an escrow service.
  1. One Trading Tool – a single platform that will allow users to connect to and trade on over 50 exchanges in one place.
  1. Social Media Scanner – view trending cryptocurrencies and analyze social volume with graphs as related to price of selected cryptocurrencies using customized preferences.
  1. Community Forum – users can participate by providing and collecting information and discussing topics related to cryptocurrencies. Geographical or language searches are available.
  1. Trading Alerts - personalized profile creation and optional trading alerts to suit the traders particular needs.
  1. Cryptopedia – a database of available websites, blogs and forums covering cryptocurrencies. Geographical or language searches are available.
  1. ICOs and Airdrops – information on upcoming ICOs, Bounty Programs and Airdrops.
  1. Customizable Graphs - individual coin and overall market prices and volumes.
  1. Portfolio Visualization and Manager – Users can view their portfolio in easy to understand and customizable graphics.
  1. Integration - a comprehensive view from external sites showing cryptocurrency mining comparisons to Bitcoin, the most popular crypto currency exchanges and crypto currency market cap rankings.
  1. Real-Time Statistics - view up-to-date statistics on a user’s preferred coin selection and major exchange markets.
  1. Crypto Compare – Users can view and compare crypto trading pairs and see which coins can be swapped for which.

Cryptassist will convert to a DAG based algorithm in order to stay at the forefront of crypto technology.

For more info please visit: 
Posted By:My Bitcointalk username:  yeeyeyaya
Cryptassist Wallet: CBNvPZEewR7fqKPu2Du1heDRv9JQTBNtpH